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You must register your store with the Wizkids Event System. Starting in November 2012 you will be required to schedule a monthly No Man’s Land event (1 per kit) in order to continue participation in the program.
Also layered into the No Man’s Land OP series is “Tagging”. Included in the No Man’s Land Month One kit is a laminated map of Gotham City with six sections identified as “No Man’s Land” territories. Each month players will assume the role of a “gang member” and fight for supremacy in that month’s specified territory. The winner of each event at your store will then “tag” that month’s territory with their chosen gang’s symbol (below for your convenience).

Declaring your gang will be part of the No Man’s Land OP series, and by doing so you will contribute to a global effort by your gang to control the most territory in Gotham City by the end of Month 6. WizKids Games will be tracking the global progress of each gang on a large-scale version of the Gotham City maps you will all have in your stores! Watch as your chosen gang crushes the opposition each month!
Better yet, the gang that controls the most territory at the end of Month 6 in your store will be awarded a special prize at the end of the No Man’s LandOP series.
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