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#2 Dark Knight vs. Man of Steel
(Dark Knight Returns #4)
The final issue of the groundbreaking Dark Knight Returns mini series features a final confrontation between The Dark Knight and the Man of Steel. It's set sometime in a future where superheroes have been outlawed (except for Superman who serves the government). After Superman diverts a nuclear missile from striking Gotham city into a dessert, the detonation sends up dust into the atmosphere. As a result Gotham falls into complete anarchy during a city wide blackout.
Batman and a new female Robin, train an army to quell the violence and establish order in Gotham. The results of which, lead to Gotham becoming the safest city in America. The government sees this as Batman undermining their authority and decides they have had enough of Batman’s shenanigans. So they order Superman to take Batman down once and for all.
Oliver Queen, the former Green Arrow warns Batman of the government plans. Batman prepares to confront Superman in Crime Alley, the place where Bruce’s parents where murdered. With the help of a kryptonite arrow and an ingenious ruse, Batman defeats Superman and fakes his own demise. Clark Kent attends Bruce’s funeral and gives Robin a wink after hearing Bruce's heartbeat as he leaves the grave site, suggesting his approval. Bruce now lives in seclusion planning his next move, training an army that will continue his mission.
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