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• Goto Comments
Also see Wizkid's Star Trek Expeditions!
06-08-2011: Our friends at ICV2 just got some solid info (and fun new images) for STAR TREK: FLEET CAPTAINS!
•Available August 24th
•MSRP $99.99
•Based on the Original Series (Shatner), Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, and Voyager.
•Designed by Mike Elliot (Thunderstone) and Ethan Pasternak
•Constructable Hex Map
•Federation vs Klingons (1 vs 1 or play in teams with more people)
•• "...each side has 12 different ships."
•Wizkids "Clix" like dial will be used, allowing you to allocate power to different ship systems (weapons, shields, etc)
•Includes 50 Galaxy location tiles, 200 Command cards (100 Federation, 100 Klingon), 50 Encounter cards, and 76 Mission cards.

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