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Related: Chaos War Hank Pym dials
06-25-2012: This new cover photo for Marvel HeroClix Chaos War was posted on the official Wizkids Facebook site...

06-25-2012: First off is MAX FURY, who sports the powerful combination of Stealth and Outwit and an extremely uncomon power: Steal Energy. He also looks like a good candidate for Nanobots

Then we get to the Shadow Council Soldier, who's a minion and has a full dial of Stealth! ooo! Ooo! And Energy Explosion!

06-15-2012. It's Donald Blake and Thor! And Donald can "change" into one of three possible Thors! Too bad he can't change into Beta Ray Bill! Just to clarify, the Donald Blake Alter Ego Special Power reads like this:
“Give Donald Blake a power action that deals no pushing damage and replace this character with Chaos War #038 Thor, Chaos War #202 Thor, or Chaos War Fast Forces #002 Thor on its orange starting line. After actions resolve, even if this power is lost, deal 1 damage to each adjacent opposing character. This power can’t be countered.”

And now... The mighty THOR himself! Wow. Can you say Charge, Impervious, Super Strength, and Hypersonic Speed? Oh yes... Oh yes..

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