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Long before HeroClix maps came standard in cases (and then OP kits), the only way to get HeroClix maps was by getting the Map Pack. There were actually 2 products available in this line: DC and Marvel. The cool thing about the Map Packs is that they also came with HeroClix scenarios!
Speaking of Map Packs...
Three of the most broken "figures" ever made was the Alfred, Mary Jane, and Alicia Masters Bystander Tokens. They were considered "broken" because they were given Team Abilities.
Alfred was only available in the DC HeroClix Map Pack, and MJ/Alicia was only available in the Marvel HeroClix Map Pack. Of course, you can play them to your heart's content now in Golden Age games, thanks to Print-and-Play.
Think about it...
• A 6-point Alfred can give an entire Wildcard team Stealth.
• A 5 point Alicia can heal an entire team with the Fantastic Four TA, simply by pushing herself to death.
• And finally, MJ can wreak havoc in all sorts of ways for a measly 5 points: Hydra, Police, S.H.I.E.L.D., X-Men, Suicide Squad, Superman Enemy, Titans, and more.
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