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Top 5 Modern Age Supermans
Eric Schaen (05/30/2013)
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HeroClix top 5 Superman

Top 5 Modern Age HeroClix Superman FiguresWelcome back to another Top 5 Heroclix World article. This time I’m taking a look at the Top 5 Superman clix for Modern Age games. Thanks to a number of recent sets included the self-titled Superman, Justice League (New 52) and others, players have several super selections to choose from for their go to Man of Steel.

Criteria: Be advised, the qualification for this list are that the character can be played in a standard 300 point format and that they are legal in modern age games. Lastly, since several of the choices have split dials I am rating the characters based on use at their full point values. Otherwise it would be a three way tie for the number one spots (there I said it).

First up is…

#5 Superman (JL52 Fast Forces 002)

Coming in at 125 points, FFJL002 Superman is the cheapest version of superman to make the list. When you are looking for a version to play that won’t quite cost half of your total bild, this is the guy to go to. A decent amount of keywords make him pretty easy to work with and maintain a theme bonus. This Superman comes equipped with very solid combat values, the right set of powers (Charge, Impervious, Exploit Weakness, Flight), the Indomitable ability and a cool special power that keep him from being tied up by other characters.

Continued Below...

HeroClix Superman Dial Justice League

Why he is #5

As great as I think he is, a 0 range value keeps him from soaring any higher on this list. No range means he has to get in close to be of any use. He’s still a great choice, just not super enough to rate any higher on the list.

From Wikipedia: Superman is an American fictional character, a comic book superhero who appears in comic books published by DC Comics. He is widely considered a national cultural icon.Superman was created by writer Jerry Siegel and artist Joe Shuster, high school students living in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1933; the character was sold to Detective Comics, Inc. (later DC Comics) in 1938.

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Your Comments:
maybe make a top 5 superman clixs of all time , cause I think it'd be cool

Posted by: random on 6/26/2013 10:12:43 AM
@ Mantis, that is a tale for another day. ;)

Posted by: Slade on 6/10/2013 11:37:09 AM
Which would people prefer to use for 300pts: 1x SM001 Superman at 300pts or 2x SM001 Superman at 150pts each?

Posted by: ClixOfSteel on 6/9/2013 12:33:09 PM
To be honest i was kindof hoping to see the superman returns! xhase from the superman set i know he wasnt the best best but i was hoping at least numbefr 5 but hey i am not complaining and i actually agree with this but tabapp supes as number one? y not the 300 point supes as number one he is amazing

Posted by: Mr.Man on 6/3/2013 5:19:58 PM
Actually Eric, you hinted that with split points values counting as 2 different figures your top 5 would have been different. What would be your top 5, counting the 150 pointers as separate, out of interest?

Posted by: Mantis Warrior on 6/3/2013 9:02:05 AM
Great list thanks. I tend to prefer my supermen at a lower point value (which makes them a bit comic inaccurate) so as to include more justice league around them. SMFF at 150 is usually my go-to Supes. Nice sculpt, good values and a cute nod to the classic superman turns back time scene with some prob control.
The JLFF at 125 would have become my go-to if only he'd had some range!
Now can I justify buying an i-pad so as to use the Tab-app one? hmm...

Posted by: Mantis Warrior on 6/3/2013 8:59:53 AM
pretty much agree with this list all the way. only a shame that the Tab Ap and SoG Superman wernt switchclicks to make that mod even easier and reversable for venues that dont allow mods

Posted by: Grim on 6/1/2013 7:13:57 PM
@Sandman- on the topic of classic Superman dials, I would have Icons vet 2nd to only Man of Steel LE from Collateral Damage.

Posted by: Licensedhero on 6/1/2013 3:01:20 PM
@ seeker , yes many a discussion on those things. Remember this is a modern age only list, otherwise I would have to include some of those golden oldies for sure.

Posted by: Slade on 5/31/2013 8:07:19 AM
I really like the SM 001 Superman at 150 pts. Leaves enough room on your team for a few allies, like a Batman to outwit your opponents pieces defense powers.

Posted by: superfriend on 5/31/2013 7:30:25 AM
Sandman-this list is for modern age heroclix supermen. If it included golden age, Icon superman would make my list too. He is amazing.

Posted by: SerpentSociety11 on 5/31/2013 4:50:33 AM
What about the Veteran Superman [251 points] from the ICON set?

Still the best Superman to play for me!

Posted by: Sandman on 5/31/2013 4:07:42 AM
Solid list. I'm not a fan of the charging supermen though so they probably wouldn't make my top 5 cut. The TT one is strangely omitted.

Funny, I modded my tabapp supes with exactly the figure you recommended.

#bikinistalion #supermanforever

Posted by: lvclix on 5/30/2013 3:46:02 PM
Oh man this is going to hurt to put this down, even in a public forum like this where others will see.

But I have to agree with Eric the TabApp Superman is awesome for his points.

Kidding Eric and I have agreed and not agreed on stuff while chatting during or after a game.

Ok all Kidding aside where is Emo Superman? Hahahahahaha. Why no love for the old school Supes witrh the Batman team ability? Remember when he was does shiznit? Or think back when we got Our Worlds of War Superman, remember how awesome he was? The first Supes with Hypersonic. Oh he was all the rage in his day.

Posted by: SeekerMuadib on 5/30/2013 3:23:50 PM
I dunno. The new 100 pt superman from the team base has dr3 at range. I really like him allot.

Posted by: Nick Wilfong on 5/30/2013 12:21:41 PM