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After the incredibly boring Superman Returns movie, it looks like WB and DC are rebooting the movie franchise with Zack "The Watchmen" Snyder at the helm. We're definitely not that thrilled with Snyder (he's quite the hack), but overall we are very excited with seeing Superman on the big screen again after 5+ years.
That being said, there's a couple things we'd like to see in the reboot, if only to keep it from sucking. (seriously, Zack Snyder's a hack).
Zack the Hack loves to use slow motion in all his films, as seen in 300 (very effective) and Watchmen (annoying as sin). We also saw a glimpse of this in Superman Returns when a bullet broke in Superman's eyeball. This simple stupid camera trick was popularized with the Matrix movies and we don't want to see it anymore. The original Superman movies didn't need this, and neither does the new ones.
As we mentioned, Zack the Hack is all about the slow motion and we pray to the gods that he stays away from it this time around.
Heck, even Wikipedia has this entry about Zack Snyder:
"Snyder often uses slow motion in fight scenes in his films, which Amy Nicholson of Boxoffice magazine remarked separates the director from other filmmakers who make multiple cuts and close-ups during a fight. A minute-long shot from 300 shows King Leonidas walking down as he slaughters his enemies, and the camera only dollys in and out to emphasize each kill."
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