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• Goto Comments
Related: DC HeroClix 10th Anniversary Spoilers
Related: Top 6 Standard Powers
09-05-2012: THOR Returns in the 10th Anniversary HeroClix set! Not only does thor have Running Shot and Invulnerability, Thor also sports the Avengers Initiative Team ability!

Now this is more like it! If you can bring in the 200 point Thor, he'll be taking an action practically every turn thanks to Willpower! And don't forget that sweet second click of life, where Thor can use Running Shot and Pulse Wave! Ooo... and is that Impervious I see?

07-25-2012: It's Iron Man and Iron Man! I wonder if we're going to see a Tony Stark too? I got two words for you -- Running Shot and Incapacitate... 'nuff said!
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