Superior Foes of Spider-Man HeroClix Spoilers
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arrowX-Men Mutant Revolution
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X-Men Mutant Revolution
The Le (03/19/2015)
Related: Review: X-Men DOFP
Related: Uncanny X-Men HeroClix Spoilers
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Related: Top 5 X-Men
Goto Comments

03-19-2015: Wizkids just announced a new board game: X-Men Mutant Revolution! A Picture is worth a thousand words...
X-Men Mutant Revolution 

In the aftermath of the Phoenix Event, new mutants are appearing all over the Earth, and competing visions for the future threaten to tear the world apart! In X-Men: Mutant Revolution, 3-4 players represent mutant leaders (Wolverine, Cyclops, Magneto, and Storm) who must build teams of heroes, gather and instruct new students, and accomplish missions to further their vision for the future. Heroes from different teams wil work with (and against!) each other as they seek to accomplish their goals. Over 50 different characters from the Marvel Universe will battle one another during the ultimate struggle for the future of mutantkind.

The Mutant Revolution is upon us. Where will you stand?

Based on the best selling Spartacus: A Game of Blood and Treachery from Gale Force Nine

The X-Men: Mutant Revolution HeroClix Strategy Game includes 4 character miniatures and Bidding dials featuring the Maneuver dial technology.


  • 1 Rulebook
  • 1 Game Board
  • 1 Recruit Deck (65 Cards)
  • 1 Plot Deck (60 Cards)
  • 1 Mission Deck (18 Cards)
  • 4 School Cards
  • 4 Character Cards
  • 4 Bidding Dials
  • 60 Hope Coins
  • 24 Dice
  • 50 Character Tokens
  • 50 Power Tokens
  • 12 Mission Tokens
  • 36 School Tokens
  • 12 Triumph/ Injured Tokens
  • 1 Mission Commander Token
  • 4 Revolution Markers
  • 4 Plot Markers
  • 4 Leader Figures

X-Men Mutant Revolution X-Men Mutant Revolution 

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Your Comments:
Thanks FoxxWertas.

I had no idea until if she was a new sculpt or not. Earlier today I was in the basement and I saw the team bases. I saw Storm on it. Since I have never used that TB it didn't register with me where she was from.

Posted by: Nightwing-fan on 3/25/2015 12:06:30 PM
The Storm sculpt is the same one from the Team base from WatX

Posted by: FoxxWertas on 3/25/2015 6:19:56 AM
Isn't this a new sculpt for Storm? If not what set did it come from?

I recognize all the other three sculpts from the AvX starters.

Posted by: Nightwing-fan on 3/24/2015 11:27:29 AM
So basically a port of an existing fantasy flight game but with X-men. The one thing to recommend it to gamers rather than just buy Spartacus would be switchclix. And no switchclix. Not sold on this one!

Posted by: MantisWarrior on 3/22/2015 11:10:28 AM
This looks pretty awesome but it doesn't look like it comes with new dials. :/

Posted by: Lord Logan on 3/19/2015 9:56:07 AM