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• Goto Comments
Related: DC HeroClix 10th Anniversary Spoilers
Related: Top 6 Standard Powers
07-18-2012: The Marvel HeroClix 10th Anniversary HeroClix got a little greener with the Green Goblin. Sporting the Battlefield Promotion mechanic, the Green Goblin has 4 keywords and 6 solid clicks of life. I am particularly impress with the double-ranged-attacks with Energy Explosion. If you can his Outwit working, then you're just gold. Even better is the late dial Incapacitate! Maybe you could even toss some Thunderbolts on him!

07-18-2012: A little Battlefield promotion and the Green Goblin becomes quite the anti-Spiderman, thanks to the Sinister Sindicate Team Ability! That Running Shot with Energy Explosion is a great combo (with the double-ranged attacks) to make Peter Parker shiver in his boots. As if that wasn't enough, the Green Goblin has 3 very powerful clicks of Blades/Claws/Fangs -- only Spider Sense can save you from that! And don't forget that Dark Avengers card!
Beware spider-Man... Beware....

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