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Related: DC HeroClix 10th Anniversary Spoilers
05-31-2012: Two new figures for the Marvel HeroClix 10th anniversary set, starting with the HULK! I wonder if we're going to see a Bruce Banner in the future? Interesting that he starts out with a starting click of Stealth and Outwit. Too bad his Charge doesn't come in till mid dial, and there's way too much Toughness for my taste, but he is only 87 points!

Now here's a beast. This is what the HULK is meant to do at 3 point-levels... including 350 points!!! Unlike some of the other big figs we've seen, Worldbreaker Hulk gets those traits at all levels! Charge? check. Impervious! Check. Six whopping Damage? Check. Quake? Check. He's also a great option for the Warbound card!

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