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#1 The Dark Knight / Spider-Man 2
These two films have so much in common; yet feel completely different at the same time. Both are sequels of previous origin films. Both films have a hero who is in conflict with the path they have chosen, and both have excellent direction (one at the hands of the always impressive Christopher Nolan, and the other by the legendary Sam Raimi).
Ultimately, these movies deal with putting ones own desires aside to do what must be done for the greater good. It’s hard to decide between them. They really are 2 sides of the same coin just presented in different fashions.
The Dark Knight has an incredible performance by the late Heath Ledger. Heath’s blend of twisted humor and psychopathic tendencies made him a perfect Joker.
Alfred Molina’s portrayal of Dr. Octopus showed us a more sympathetic villain who is driven insane by his own machinations.
However you take your superhero, dark and gritty or optimistic and hopeful, both films achieve near perfection as superhero movies.
Best Dark Knight Scene: The interrogation scene from the Dark Knight.
Best Spider-Man 2 Scene: Spider-Man vs Doctor Octopus atop the train.
*Honorable mentions go out to 300, the Crow, Batman Begins, Spider-man and the Watchmen.
2011 still has GL and Cap and other movies to look forward to. 2012 promises to be another year packed with Superhero movies like; The Dark Knight rises, the Amazing Spider-Man and of course the Avengers. I can’t wait; see you at the movies gamers!
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