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• Goto Comments
9. Spawn
Did you know that Spawn was almost featured in IndyClix? It's mentioned in our Brother Magneto Interview. That being said, I think Spawn is popular enough to do well with HeroClix buyers and non buyers. Sure the movie totally sucked, and the comic book was so-so on many levels, but visually Spawn is an incredible spectacle. As long as Todd McFarlane isn't involved in the creation of this HeroClix, I'm all for it (Todd knows big toys, but he knows nothing about miniature collectibles).
Picking out three characters would be hella easy for this one: Spawn, Medieval Spawn, and Angela. Unfortunately this probably never happen since Todd and Neil Gaiman are locked in a lawsuit over rights, but I can always dream. If this isn't a reality, then I'll live with just Spawn, the Clown, and a heavily armed machine-gun Spawn.
10. Wolverine (and Jubilee)

I don't think I've ever met a Marvel fan that didn't love Wolverine. His movie was pretty mediocre, and X3 may have killed the franchise, but in comics Wolverine is clearly a fan favorite. A Battle Pack would be highly appealing to comic geeks, if it's done just right.
I'd want to start off with one Wolverine figure, but which costume? The top choices are the original yellow costume and the Byrne-created brown costume from the 80's. If I'm correct, Marvel Sinister is the only time we've seen the brown costume in HeroClix form, so my vote is for that one.
For the second and third Battle Pack figure, I vote for Wolverine & Jubilee double-based figure! It's certainly an odd pairing, but it would be perfectly appropriate considering its comic book origins. Using the same Wolverine sculpt/paint for both figures would be perfect here.
Heck, how about an Alter Ego mechanic allowing you to go from Wolverine & Jubilee to just the single Wolverine figure! This would represent Jubilee getting KO'ed first, allowing Wolverine to go solo and Berserker Rage on his enemies.
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