Happy Pi Day! • Wednesday Mar 14, 2018 As a reminder, today is PI DAY! Since we already created an article for it last year, we're just going to shamelessly re-link to it today and hope no one notices.
See our brand new article about the Wizkids pi dial!
See Pi-Day now...!
| Remember Rember, the Fifth of November • Sunday Nov 05, 2017
Remember, remember, the fifth of November The gunpowder treason an plot I know of know reason Why the gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot
>> HeroClix World Gunpowder Treason scenario
| Joker's Wild • Thursday Oct 06, 2016
The Joker's Wild HeroClix is coming!
<< See the dials for Joker and Quinn >>
| TMNT • Tuesday Oct 04, 2016 Wizkids has pictures of ALL the new TMNT sculpts! Also check out those cool tokens and dice!
| Worst Detective... EVer • Thursday Sep 01, 2016 Is Batman the greatest detective in the world? Well, if he's anything like the one in Dawn of Justice, then absolutely not. College Humor take a fun look at the Dark Knight "Detective".
| Marvel Civil War: Cloak and Dagger • Sunday Aug 21, 2016
| Free Tick episode • Friday Aug 19, 2016 The first episode of the new TICK live-action show is available on Amazon now.. for free! Here's hoping it's better than the awful 90's version.
| HeroClix Rules update • Wednesday Aug 17, 2016 The Marvel HeroClix: Superior Foes of Spider-Man set is the first HeroClix set to utilize the new design for character cards that feature the stats and powers from that character’s combat dials printed on its character card. One of the major goals is to provide information for the player that is piloting their character so they can see what is in store for them as they click down their dial. Please see this article for more information as to the background of why it was implemented: HeroClix Design Insight- Visible Dials.
READ IT ALL NOW >> | Suicide Squad - What They're saying • Friday Aug 05, 2016 The Suicide Squad reviews are up, and it's pretty mixed. Not as bad as BvS, but no where near the calibur of Civil war.
Suicide Squad is bad. Not fun bad. Not redeemable bad. Not the kind of bad that is the unfortunate result of artists honorably striving for something ambitious and falling short. --Vanity Fair
Having now attended a press screening, we can put the rumors to bed: Suicide Squad is, for the most part, not a funny movie. --Chicago Tribune
Suicide Squad amounts to an all-out attack on the whole idea of entertainment. --WSJ
It wants so desperately to be subversive and irreverent in the manner of Fight Club or, more likely, Deadpool. And yet the most shocking thing about it is how risk-averse it turns out to be. --NPR
Please note that we're not against Suicide Squad. As a matter of fact, we thought the trailers looked fantastic. Sadly, it seems the reality of the matter is that the movie isn't as fun as the trailers lead them on to be.
| Awesome Clix: Silver Samurai • Sunday Jul 31, 2016 "The Silver Samurai has Phasing/Teleport for the entire dial, and can use it as a free action once per game. This free use is critical to the dial since most players will forget about it -- allowing you to get in a surprise attack late in the game."
| HeroClix World on Twiter! • Saturday Jul 30, 2016 HeroClix World is going strong on Twitter!
Come Join us now >>
| Trailer Time! • Tuesday Jul 26, 2016 It's trailer time, and we've got lots to show you today -- Wonder Woman, Justice League, Luke Cage, Suicide Squad, and American Gods... all ready for your viewing pleasure. And yes, we are quite impressed with Wonder Woman and Justice League!
SEE THE TRAILERS NOW >> | DOJ Extended Review: Free HeroClix! • Wednesday Jul 13, 2016
Want to win a free HeroClix? Check out our new DOJ extended cut review and leave a comment. We'll pick 3 winners for free HeroClix!
| Superior Foes of Spider-Man | Foes of Spider-Man Spoilers | How Zack Snyder Hopes Justice League Will Save His DC Universe • Wednesday Jun 22, 2016 “The main thing we learned [on Batman v Superman] is that people don’t like to see their heroes deconstructed,” said producer Deborah Snyder. READ IT ALL NOW >>
| Convention Exclusives | Civil War Op: Taskmaster! | Civil War vs Dawn of Justice -- round 7 • Thursday Jun 02, 2016 Tired of the Civil War / DoJ articles yet? Well we've got another one that discusses the marketing and development of the two movies. It's kinda fascinating, and I'd say it's all true.
| Civil war format • Thursday Jun 02, 2016 Civil War is upon us! Beginning today, June 1st, HeroClix venues all over the world will be holding Marvel HeroClix: Civil War Storyline Organized Play tournaments. Choose your side, whether you stand with Iron Man on the Pro-Registration side or with Captain America on the Anti-Registration side, both teams are balanced and ready to play. It is up to you, and your dice, to decide who is victorious!
10 Reasons Captain America: Civil War Beat Batman v Superman • Friday May 27, 2016 The folks at WhatCulture has a great article explaining why Civil War beats Dawn of Justice. I think they pretty much nailed it.
| HeroClix Civil War Unboxing • Thursday May 26, 2016 HeroClix: CIVIL WAR UNBOXING!
| Clix It Up: Magneto! • Wednesday May 25, 2016 Clix it Up Magneto is up now! REad it all at HeroClix.com!
| Kickstarter alert: Zombag! • Wednesday May 25, 2016 The ZOMBAG kickstarter is now live, and it's successful! For just $15 you can get your own zombag game!
We've been following the zombag game for some time -- we love it, and we think you will too!
| Monday Morning Memes! • Monday May 16, 2016 Our Monday Morning Memes II is coming close to an end. Just one more before we take a break!
| Dawn of Justice - How it Should Have Ended • Wednesday May 11, 2016 Let's take a look at how Dawn of Justice should have ended
<< SEE IT NOW >>
| Review: Captain America: Civil War | The Screenwriters of 'Captain America: Civil War' Answer 5 Burning Questions (SPOILERS!) • Monday May 09, 2016 The writers of Civil War gives you some insight on the making of Civil War. Warning, there are spoilers for both Civil War and Dawn of Justice.
Official HeroClix World review tomorrow!
| Monday Morning Memes! • Monday May 02, 2016 Guess what? It's time for HeroClix World Monday Morning Memes! Today we've got a nice spread of DC and Marvel memes, including one Start Trek meme!
HeroClix World -- Live Long and Be Fabulous!
| Uncanny X-Men HeroClix Fast Forces! • Thursday Apr 28, 2016 Check out all the dials for the X-Men Fast Forces at the official HeroClix site!
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ABOUT HeroClixWorld.com
HeroClixWorld.com is your #1 source for all things HeroClix related. Looking for a rules reference? We've
got that. How about scenarios? We've got that. How about dials and spoilers? Oh yes. Oh yes. HeroClix World is the best place for new and original HeroClix
I started creating custom Bystander Tokens way back in July of 2004,
and posted them on a website. It eventually ballooned to over 60 in number, and that's about
when I switched to making custom Feats. With all the changes to HeroClix over the years, I've decided
to remake many of my old customs, and add a whole bunch more (including a new custom BFC section)
Now HeroClix World has evolved into the best site for original HeroClix content! We've got rules, scenarios, news, spoilers, and much much more!
We live by just one mantra here at HeroClix World: Live Long And Be Fabulous!
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