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03/31/2010: Wizkids is really vamping up their previews of Brave and the Bold! WK just sent me an email with an exclusive look at the BATMAN & CATWOMAN dial!
If you haven't pre-ordered your brick/case yet, you should. These figures are limited to just 5,000, and we all know how fast the World's Finest sold out!
This is so cool, I'm not even going to shrink the images this time (lol)...
To the right, we have the dial, a fine 8 clicks of life, 3 different special powers, one trait, and the Batman Ally TA... all for a paltry 142 points!
I particularly like the Summon the Bat or Set the Trap ability... it doesn't require line of fire!

(Trait) I Already Stole the Real One: Once at the beginning of the game, after objects are placed, you may remove an object placed by an opponent from the map and place a standard light object in the same square.
(Speed) Double Pounce: Batman and Catwoman can use Leap/Climb. When Batman and Catwoman are given a move action, after the movement is complete Batman and Catwoman may use the Duo Attack ability as a free action.
(Attack) Summon the Bat or Set the Trap: Give Batman and Catwoman a power action and choose target character within 6 squares who possesses the Batman Ally or Batman Enemy Team ability (life of fire is not required). Place the target character in an unoccupied square adjacent to Batman and Catwoman. If the target is friendly, it can't be given an action until the end of your next turn.

(Damage) Romantic Tension: Batman and Catwoman can use Combat Reflexes and Willpower.
03/26/2010: Wizkids finally released information on ALTER EGOS! Here's What they have to say...
Here are the ground rules we started with:
1) The Alter Ego must be a compelling character on its own. I wanted iconic, interesting figures that have separate lives that are explored in detail. Just because a character has an alter ego, does not mean that the character should be represented using the Alter Ego mechanic. The character also should have abilities or character strengths as their civilian version.
2) Alter Egos should have the ability to “transform” into their costumed identities. As I mentioned in last week’s article, I wanted players to think about their collections in new ways when a set is released. A Bruce Wayne that has the ability to see the Bat Signal and put on the cape and cowl is great for our superhero combat simulation. I think we found an elegant and balanced solution to how to incorporate these characters in game form.
3) The characters, if possible, should be available at lower rarities to ease collection of linked pieces. With the interchangeability of the pieces, the potency of the characters’ brands, and iconic nature of both the costumed heroes and their other halves, we wanted to find homes for our Alter Ego figures at low rarities. With B&B having Duos figures at the higher rarity levels, Alter Ego was a natural fit for the set. If you have Diana Prince, we want you to find Wonder Woman, and complete the two-figure set.
4) The sculpt concept should indicate that the figure is in the process of transformation. I greatly enjoy characters that tell subtle stories through their sculpts.

(Speed) Alter Ego: Superman: Give Clark Kent a power action and replace this character with a [Brave and the Bold] #017 Superman on its orange starting line. Existing action tokens from this character, as well as action tokens and pushing damage for this action are applied to the replacement Superman. If replaced, no victory points are awarded fro this character and the replacement Superman is considered to be 48 points for all game effects.

DUO charactrers in Brave and the Bold include Clark Kent/Superman, Diana Prince/Wonder Woman and Bruce Wayne/Batman.... and possibly more.
HeroClix World's opinion: We like it. Assuming you can't heal past the Orange Line, we don't find this new ability too terribly unbalancing.
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