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HCRealm's TYROMAN put together this awesome HeroClix Brave-and-the-Bold Checklist. Get it now!
4/16/2010. We started a new page to show you all the BATB PRIZES! See it now...
4/13/2010. Only one more day left, and we've got picture of the new Brave and the Bold MAP, that comes with the prize kits (10 per kit). Note: This picture was originally posted by Oliver R on the Wizkids Facebook Fan page.

4/12/2009. Special thanks for Algan, Goober, Illiniwek and Tyler J for getting that checklist thing worked out. This particular news item has been removed. You can download the BATB checklist (created by Tyroman) at the top of this page.
4/12/2009. Wizkids just released new images and dial info for CAVE CARSON (to the right).
Not really sure how much flak I'm going to take for this, but I have to admit that this is very possibly my favorite Brave and the Bold figure so far. As a matter of fact, I'm going to call it right now and say that this will be my favorite out of the entire set.
What do YOU think?
4/10/2009. Lanterns! And some neat stuff! (below)
1) Special Objects now have a point value. Many will continue to be zero points (including your standard-light and standard-heavy objects), but some will have a point-value associated with them. How does this work? Pretty much like you’d expect.
-Objects (including standard objects) are now a part of your force, and you write them down on your force build sheet.
-When one of your objects is removed from the map (an opponent destroyed it, you used it in an attack, etc), in a two-player game, your opponent gets those points towards their victory.
-When one of your objects is removed from the map, in a multiplayer game, the person whose turn it is gets the points. If it’s your turn, the points are divided between all opponents, rounding up.
2) Choosing Special Objects for a game has changed. There is no longer an “object pile”. Each player simply brings up-to-three objects to the game. The only restriction is this: one of them must be a light object, one of them must be a heavy object, and the third can be anything – light, heavy, or immobile. Any or all of them can be Special Objects. To recap, you can bring 0, 1 or 2 objects. Random object distribution is now factored out as well. You place your objects now as they are part of your force. In a tournament, you have to use the same objects each round. We’ll explain this change further as our previews for DC HeroClix: Blackest Night and its associated 2010 HeroClix Rulebook build over the next few weeks.

4/10/2009: Checkmates are in, with a brand new mechanic -- BATTLEFIELD PROMOTION!

04/07/2010: More previews from Wizkids! The PARADEMON! (Hey, look, they can all fly!)

(damage) Darkseid's Motivational Techniques: (non-optional) When an adjacent friendly character makes an attack, modify that character's damage value by +1 for that atack. If the attack misses all targets, deal the attacking character 1 unavoidable damage.

(damage) minion: Hordes of Apokolips: When a friendly character with the Apokolips keyword and a higher point value is within 8 squares, PArademon Grunt modifies its attack and speed values by +1.

(attack) Motherbox Detonation: "The Parademon" can use Pulse Wave as if he had a range value of 10. After that action is resolved, deal him 1 unavoidable damage.
Interesting thing about this last character. It sports the SECRET SIX Keyword and the Suicide Squad Team Ability.
So, what's the best way to fight off an army of Parademons? Let me show you...
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