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Awesome Clix: FCBD Thor
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Goto Comments

 Awesome Clix: FCBD Thor

This Thor was the Free Comic Book Day figure of 2012, and he's still pretty awesome today. Seriously, just look at this beastly dial..

Continued below...
Awesome Clix: FCBD Thor

I'll keep it short -- he's awesome for Flight, Charge, Running Shot, and a whole dial of damage reduction; he starts with some Impervious then drops down to Invincible with just one click of [16] defense.

Need more? He's got move-and-attack on every click, starting with Charge, then Running Shot, then Hypersonic Speed. As if that wasn't enough -- yes, that's Energy Explosion and Pulse Wave on the dial... and Indomitable!

Right: Discounted HeroClix Singles!

And he was FREE! Wow! Oh, did we mention he has the Avengers Intiative ability?

HeroClix Marvel Avengers InitiativeCharacters using the Avengers Initiative team ability treat hindering
terrain as clear terrain for movement and line of fire purposes.

So here's your chance to win a free HeroClix for talk-back-tuesday -- just answer this question: Would you use this Thor at 250 points, 150 points, or not at all -- and tell is why!

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Your Comments:
I would use him at 250 points. I like using the full click and his abilities are great, cant go wrong with impervious. Haven't been able to collect a thor. He looks like a good piece, could be found with a 12 attack, but would love this piece anyway.

Posted by: The Shadow on 12/4/2015 12:53:22 AM
In a 300 game he will be a main target either point cost. I would play him as a secondary attacker at 150 in a larger point game.

Posted by: Posted by: Posted by: Posted by: on 11/27/2015 4:21:24 PM
I would use this in a fun themey kind of match. In terms of in competition... It might be a bit tougher. At the same cost TW Superman sets the bar so high with the healing trait and +1 to att and def to himself and all friendlies. Without an awesome trait like that it is tough to field this one in a competitive environment at 250.

A resource might be a decent option. Black hand could help with steal energy and psychic blast.

At 150 there is some value.... But the issue is that most characters at that cost range have 4 damage or hypersonic. Some even have both.

This piece really shines when you have it take on ranged multiple figs at 150 or at 250 against lesser figures with no way to overcome Impervious rolls.

Posted by: BAM! on 11/15/2015 12:49:02 PM
I have always liked this Thor, ran him once as part of a Thor Corps, and he did amazing things against a Superman team. At top dial, his long charge and range kept him alive well enough for me to win.

Posted by: Chris on 11/15/2015 11:28:23 AM
Play him at 250, hes the ultimate beatstick that can take a hit.

Posted by: Steve on 11/13/2015 10:09:31 PM
Id use him because hes Thor dam it but Hulk smash him anyways

Posted by: jwm on 11/12/2015 10:25:50 AM
"he starts with some Impervious then drops down to Invincible" I think you mean Invulnerability. I would use him as an ID character @150 points

Posted by: Arthwr Wolf on 11/12/2015 8:22:26 AM
I prefer the 150 point dial. 13 swing that can avoid the trouble that stealth can sometimes provide. Man that's hot.

Posted by: Shaft!! on 11/12/2015 5:50:50 AM
I'd use him at 250. Make him a beat stick and build around him. Powerful stats and a little range. Cant go wrong.

Posted by: Laanxx99 on 11/11/2015 6:24:54 PM
Stick to 150, then I can add some support to make that 3 damage really shine

Posted by: Eternal Harvest on 11/11/2015 4:42:19 PM
150 just the more economical choice.

Posted by: Matt on 11/11/2015 11:40:14 AM
150 points. The 8 range just screams to be used for Running Shot. And RS Pulse wave is an awesome combo of powers. I think I could find a Captain America and Iron Man with a combined total of 250 to make a 400 point army.

Posted by: superfriend on 11/11/2015 10:23:21 AM
I would totally use Thor at the 250 points. He is a beast and it'll be hard pressed to find someone to wipe the floor with him.

Posted by: sourdaddyjones on 11/11/2015 6:33:12 AM
I would definitely use this clix. I'm thinking I would use 250. That just seems more "Thor", imo lol. That gives me 4 more Impervious. Super Strength and Charge is great and will add to the already 4 and 5 damage. Then he goes ranged with Running Shot and Energy Explosion. Plus the Hypersonic Speed and Indomitable is great. I also like how the clix looks.

Posted by: AzulEmpath on 11/11/2015 1:17:41 AM
I don´t use it on any force because I think that the better Thor at modern is AvX version or powerful AvAs version. Cheaper and stronger.

The most common first attack of Thor is Lightning and would be better to begin with Running shot, like almost all the other Heroclix Thors.

On the other hand, is free. ;-)

Posted by: Bruno Otero on 11/11/2015 12:23:11 AM
The 250 line feels like Thor, hit first then call the lightning if things start to go wrong.
Competitively, if the close combat and ranged combat were reversed on the dial then 250 all the way. As it stands though I think you have a better chance at delivering his points worth of hurt at the 150 line. Shame as I prefer to see Thor hitting things than sniping.

Alex's ID comment below though is genius. One shot pulse wave bomb!

Posted by: MantisWarrior on 11/10/2015 11:50:56 PM
I would not use him period. I'm just not a fan of Thor. I'm not a hater just not a fan the "o" so perfect characters in comics.

Posted by: MasterCraig on 11/10/2015 9:46:32 PM
I would love to us him on my Asgard Team I building

Posted by: Jon cole on 11/10/2015 9:34:21 PM
I would love to us him on my Asgard Team I building

Posted by: Jon cole on 11/10/2015 9:34:19 PM
I miss the free comic book day figs.

Posted by: Eric Shaw on 11/10/2015 6:32:05 PM
I wouldn't use it because imma DC purest :/

...I lose a lot.

Posted by: MOOSH on 11/10/2015 6:09:09 PM
250 point all the way. This beastly dial can do serious damage to both tentpoles and swarms. Keep smaller outwit/perplex pieces nearby for boost/counter and it would wreck face. Plus its got a very "come at me bro" feel to the sculpt.

Posted by: Rab4630 on 11/10/2015 5:19:36 PM
Assuming a standard 300 game, likely 150 points so to fit in another hero or two.


Posted by: Alan Wilkinson on 11/10/2015 3:14:39 PM
He's a very nice, straightforward piece to introduce someone to the various methods of move and attack in the game, but at this point there are better options that are slightly more or less expensive for Thor. Like the 10th Anniversary one at 200, whose willpower is traited and therefore uncounterable, or the Avengers Assemble one with its frontloaded running shot/pulse wave combo and potential support to other Avengers. Or the Fear Itself LE with its potential massive damage output. The AA one's numbers never get quite as soft as the mid dial 9/16, and the FI one has the defense boosting trait.

Posted by: Snackules on 11/10/2015 3:14:18 PM
This Thor was the first piece I ever received and I am sentimental about it. I used this piece recently in a local game and came in second place out of 12 for the night. I used it (and will use it more) because of the variation of powers, high combat values and a fun sculpt.

Posted by: Urmom on 11/10/2015 2:22:10 PM
I would use him as an id character

Posted by: Alex on 11/10/2015 1:15:17 PM
I like the 250 point dial. With 10 clix I have a 25 point average per clix, which is a little on the high side, but I like my chances with the 5 damage and all the defensive abilities to keep him flying around and dealing out pain. There is plenty of support figs to give him the extra fire power he needs such as splitlip with the book of skulls or an avenger buddy like captain America or hulk to smash your opponents up.

Posted by: BearG48 on 11/10/2015 11:22:31 AM
Faster then the Speed of Light !!!

Hard as Rock !!!

This guy will Thorment the Thornaments ...

Posted by: GuiMaron on 11/10/2015 11:08:00 AM
Thor with hypersonic speed is not an often thing anymore, but the sculpture is still pretty sick

Posted by: Nayr on 11/10/2015 10:41:33 AM
My favorite Thor that I own. I run him at 250 because of that awesome 5 damage with SS and the fact that the 150 point dial seems a little lacking to me, damage-wise.

Posted by: You'll never know... on 11/10/2015 10:31:33 AM
This is a decent Thor, but Thor deserves at least a couple of 12 attacks and more than one bolt. He constantly takes out armies

Posted by: Nick m on 11/10/2015 10:27:19 AM
250 points, then you take a 50 point support like Donald Blake with support to keep him alive. That's only a total of 283 points which you can then take another object. Perfection!

Posted by: Falthar on 11/10/2015 10:26:45 AM
I would use it at 150 pts, because I prefer figures with less points. I give more importance to a good team above everything else.

Posted by: Nabucodonosor on 11/10/2015 8:40:12 AM
I don't feel strongly about 250 pts with no 12 on atk so i'd definitely use him at 150 pts. The fact that he has a move and attack power on every click means he's going to get off pulse wave many, many times before he can be targeted. I'd use him at 150 points in a hybrid ranged attack build so no friendlies get PW'd. Maybe bring one tie-up melee piece to keep enemies off of Thor's back. Fandral would be a great suggestion

Posted by: UhhItsJon on 11/10/2015 7:52:05 AM
Personally, I would run him at 250. But the piece is quite versatile at both point costs.

Posted by: Comicman123 on 11/10/2015 7:36:52 AM
I would use him at 250 (if it is a high point game) because of his high defense and attack.

Posted by: Kungfujim on 11/10/2015 7:04:58 AM