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• Goto Comments
02-06-2015: It's ATOMICA! She clocks in at just 64 points, but she has an 18 Defense with Super Senses! Wow!
(note: This dial was found at imgur - not sure who to credit, but well done!)

02-06-2015: And we also have JOHNNY QUICK, which is also under 82 points and could potentially deal 5 damage on his first turn! DANG GINA!
(note: This dial was found at imgur - not sure who to credit, but well done!)

01-16-2015: The Blue Devil is here, and he's clocking in at 135 with the
ability! The Blue Devil come with Running Shot, Leap/Climb, Probability Control, and more!

12/31/2014: It's ULTRAMAN!
He comes with Hypersonic Speed, Charge, Invincible, and more!

From wiki: "Trinity War" is an eleven issue comic book story arc first published by DC Comics in 2013 featuring the fictional superhero teams the Justice League, Justice League of America, and Justice League Dark. The arc spans several titles including: Justice League, Justice League of America, Justice League Dark, Constantine, Trinity of Sin: Pandora and Trinity of Sin: The Phantom Stranger.
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