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Related: DreamClix: Star Trek
Related: Star Trek Expeditions
Related: Star Trek: Fleet Captains
Related: Star Trek: Tactics (I)
Related: Critical Clix: Star Trek Tactics
Related: Tik Tok Star Trek
Related: Star Trek Tactics II (core set)
Let's take a look at the Star Trek Tactics II Heroclix STARTER SET. A reminder that Star Trek Tactics is 100% compatible with the regular HeroClix Game...!
The Ti'mur has 3 awesome clicks of Pulse Wave and Telekinesis! And let's not forget Support and Outwit! Woot!
From Wikia:
"The Timur was part of the Federation forces at the First Battle of Chin'toka during the Dominion War. Jasminder Choudhury served aboard the Timur during that battle, and saved the ship after the chief of security was killed, and they had lost use of all its torpedo tubes and most of its phasers and shields. (TNG novel: Greater Than the Sum) "

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