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Related: Infinity Gauntlet Scenario
Related: Register with Wizkids to participate in the Infinity Gauntlet tournament
10-5-2011: From Wizkids:

Infinity Gauntlet Kit 7 (July)
Only one obstacle stands in your path to ultimate power; the Grandmaster has challenged your force to a contest to be fought on none other than the Mental Plane! With your quest so close to completion, there are fewer stakes higher than this! Can you outwit the Grandmaster and defeat him at his own game, or will you instead be outplayed yourself?
The July 2012 Kit includes: The Grandmaster LE Figure (4) and Mind Gem (participation prize – 20), as well as 10 Double-sided Maps (Mental Plane and Shrine to Death) for use in Infinity Gauntlet Month Seven and Eight events.

Infinity Gauntlet Kit 8 (August)
Your Gauntlet is assembled but one opponent still remains between you and control over all of reality; Thanos the Mad Titan himself! He has assembled a host of heroes and villains to oppose you. Can you survive this last conflict and emerge victorious with the greatest prize of all? Face your foes head-on and demonstrate why you above all others deserve omnipotence!
The August 2012 Kit includes: Thanos LE Figure (2), Shrine to Death (2) colossal base, and Terraxia LE Figure (participation prize – 20).
Download all Infinity Gauntlet rules now, in one zip file: Official Rules.
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