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• Goto Comments
04-02-2012: The Avengers Movie HeroClix will have FROST GIANTS! ROAR!!!! Note that this two figures were found at HeroClix Spain.
First up is the FROST GIANT CHAMPION! Look at all that Charge and Super Strength! Looks like a good candidate for Shellhead, right?

Next up is LAUFEY, with OODLES of Impervious and Invulnerability!

03-28-2012: The Avengers movie HeroClix just got a shot in the arm with this 50 point gem. Sure, the Perplex and Shield Team Ability is nice, but what's up with that SPECIAL POWER in the attack slot? It's a totally broken mechanic if you ask us! Check out Agent Coulson now!

03-21-2012 As if Loki wasn't bad enough (see previous page), we've got a 250 point monster on our hands by the name of DESTROYER. Look out Thor, the Destroyer is coming for you. I suppose Captain America should look out too... especially since the Destroyer can deal Penetrating/Psychic Blast with 5 damage! And look at all that Impervious and Invulnerability!
(Related: Critical Miss: Giants)

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