Superior Foes of Spider-Man HeroClix Spoilers
Sininster Six Spoilers
TMNT HeroClix Spoilers
Avengers Assemble Spoilers
TMNT HeroClix Spoilers
X-Men Mutant Revolution
Avengers Acedemy HeroClix
Superman / Wonder Woman HeroClix

Convention Exclusives 2015
Nick Fury / SHIELD HeroClix Spoilers
Age of Ultron HeroClix
The Flash Unboxing!
JL Trinity War HeroClix Spoilers
Guardians of the Galaxy Starter Spoilers
The Flash HeroClix Spoilers
Convention Exclusives 2014
FCBD 2014
Justice League Strategy
War of Light HeroClix Spoilers
Guardians of the Galaxy HeroClix Spoilers
Mandarin Rings HeroClix
HeroClix Watchlist
Deadpool HeroClix
Superman / LOSH
Captain America Winter Soldier HeroClix
X-Men Days of Future Past
Batman Arkham Origins
Marvel Dice Masters: AvX
Avengers vs X-Men HeroClix
Superman Quick-Start
Excalibur (X-Men)
Invincible Iron Man HeroClix
X-Men: The New Mutants
X-Men: Gold Strike Force
Batman Classic HeroClix
X-Men: Blue Strike Force
FCBD Iron Man (2013)
Fellowship of the Rings HeroClix
Justice Leage Team Base (Teen Titans)
Convention Exclusives 2013
Beast Boy (Teen Titans)
Fear Itself (GAMA)
Star Trek: Attack Wing
Gen13 (Teen Titans)
Yu-Gi-Oh! HeroClix
Trigon Dial (Teen Titans)
Villains For Hire (Teen Titans)
Mage Knight HeroClix
Nightmare Before Christmas HeroClix
Pacific Rim HeroClix
Lone Ranger HeroClix
Hello Kitty HeroClix Spoilers
Kick Ass 2 HeroClix
DOTA HeroClix
Man of Steel HeroClix
Bioshock Infinite HeroClix Spoilers
Wizkids' 12 Days of Clixmas (2012)
Star Trek HeroClix Tactics II Starter Set
Batman Streets of Gotham Team Packs
Batman OP Kit Spoilers
Batman HeroClix GF Spoilers
Marvel Fear Itself HeroClix
Batman Gotham City Spoilers
Wolverine and the X-Men HeroClix
Shattered Star (Pathfinder)
Amazing Spider-Man HeroClix
Iron Man 3 HeroClix Spoilers
Seasonal Figures Spoilers
Teen Titans HeroClix Spoilers
Star Trek HeroClix Tactics II
10 Anniversary HeroClix Chase Figures!
GenCon 2012
Batman HeroClix Vehicles
LOTR / Hobbit HeroClix
Batman: Streets of Gotham
DC Batman HeroClix Spoilers
Assassin's Creed HeroClix Spoilers
Batman: No Man's Land HeroClix
Comic-Con Combo Pack HeroClix
Chaos War: Hank Pym
What the...?
DC HeroClix 10th Anniversary Spoilers
MARVEL HeroClix 10th Anniversary Spoilers
Free Comic Book Day Thor 2012
2012 Convention Exclusives!
Wizkid Interactive's Starship Hero
Chaos War HeroClix Spoilers
Justice League HeroClix Spoilers
Figure of the Week
Galactic Guardians Fast Forces Spoilers
Star Trek HeroClix: Away Team Spoilers
Marvel Uncanny X-Men FF HeroClix Spoilers
DC War of the Light FF
Galactic Guardians Gravity Feed Spoilers
Dark Knight Rises HeroClix Spoilers
Doom Week!
HeroClix Supremacy League
Wizkid's 12 days of Clixmas (2011)
Avengers Movie HeroClix Spoilers
Hulk Fast Forces Spoilers
Superman Fast Forces Spoilers
Marvel Galactic Guardians HeroClix Spoilers
Star Trek Tactics HeroClix Spoilers
Infinity Gauntlet Spoilers
Superman Special Objects
Superman HeroClix Checklist
Mighty Maps 5: DOOM VILLAGE!
Captain America Maps
Incredible Hulk HeroClix Spoilers
Hammer of Thor: Fast Forces
Halo HeroClix Spoilers
Star Trek: Fleet Captains
Watchmen Fast Forces Spoilers
Wizkids Pathfinder!
GsX Toys R Us Exclusive
Superman HeroClix Spoilers
Gears of War HeroClix Spoilers
arrow2011 HeroClix Convention Exclusives!
Green Lantern HeroClix Spoilers
DC vs Marvel HeroClix
Nothing Moves The Blob!
Giant Size X-Men Maps!
HeroClix Online Spoilers
Smurfs Spoilers
Captain America Spoilers
Toy Fair 2011
Might Maps #4
Giant Size X-Men Poster Images
HeroClix Oreo Dial
Street Fighter HeroClix Spoilers
LOTR HeroClix Spoilers
Winter of HeroClix World
Dr. Manhattan Spoilers
Free Comic Book Day 2011 Spoilers
DC 75th MAPS
Adventurer's Atlas
Giant Size X-Men Spoilers
Web of Spider-Man Map
It is Dr. Manhattan
Iron Maiden HeroClix Spoilers
DC 75th Spoilers
Watchmen Day 2
Watchmen Day 1
DC Brightest Day Spoilers
Star Trek: Expeditions
Jonah Hex Spoilers
FCBD: War Machine
Brave and the Bold Prizes
Marvel DisneyClix
HeroClix Batmobile
Web of Spider-Man Spoilers
Wizkids in 2010
Brave & The Bold INFO & SPOILERS
The Watchmen Info & Spoilers
DC Starter (Blackest Night) Info
HoT: Mjolnir & Ragnarok
Hammer of Thor images!
Exclusive: Thor's Mighty Chariot Pictures

2011 HeroClix Conventions Exclusives!
The Le (04/21/2011)
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Related: Convention Exclusives 2015
Related: Pow! Spider-Ham
Related: Convention Exclusives 2013
Related: 2016 HeroClix Convention Figures!
Goto Comments

Wizkids at Gencon 201104-25-2011: The GEN CON Tournament schedule is now up! Gen Con runs from August 4th to 7th. You can register on their official site.


"An important thing to note is that playing in tourneys in the hall requires GenCon specific event tickets or generic event tickets as we are not allowed to take cash for events.  Start signing up for ticketed events on May 1st at the GenCon website.

Don’t want to play in a tourney, then stop by the booth where you can demo our dice game Quarriors, explore space in the Star Trek Expeditions game, battle it out with Street Fighter HeroClix, or see a demo of HeroClix Online plus many other games yet to be revealed.  Want to purchase product in the booth, it must be done with cash (as always it’s while supplies last)."

GenCon 2011 Event Descriptions

HeroClix Battle Royale (Marvel): Interested in fast and furious HeroClix play?  Want to prove you’re the best no matter what team you draft?  Then this event is for you!  The Marvel HeroClix Battle Royales will be offered in four-player pods and will utilize boosters from the Giant-Size X-Men or Captain America expansion.

Cost for this event will be $12 (6 Generic Tickets for each player).

Availability/Schedule: Thurs-Fri (9AM-Midnight), Sat (10AM-6PM), Sun (10AM-4PM)

HeroClix Battle Royale (DC):
Interested in fast and furious HeroClix play?  Want to prove you’re the best no matter what team you draft?  Then this event is for you!  The DC HeroClix Battle Royales will be offered in four-player pods and will utilize boosters from the DC 75th Anniversary

Cost for this event will be $12 (6 Generic Tickets for each player).

Availability/Schedule: Thurs-Fri (9AM-Midnight), Sat (10AM-6PM), Sun (10AM-4PM)

HeroClix King of the Hill (Marvel):
Battle it out for supremacy in this special sealed event and prove you have what it takes to be King of the Hill!  As long as you continue to win, your boosters will be provided for you!  Those with the best record will qualify for the KotH Finals event on Sunday, with the grand prize of designing your own HeroClix element! (ATA, Feat, BFC)  The Marvel HeroClix King of the Hill events will utilize two boosters from the Marvel Captain America expansion.

Cost for this event will be $24 (12 Generic Tickets for each player).

Availability/Schedule: Thurs-Fri (9AM-Midnight), Sat (10AM-6PM)

HeroClix King of the Hill (DC):
Battle it out for supremacy in this special sealed event and prove you have what it takes to be King of the Hill!  As long as you continue to win, your boosters will be provided for you!  Those with the best record will qualify for the KotH Finals event on Sunday, with the grand prize of designing your own HeroClix element! (ATA, Feat, BFC)  The DC HeroClix King of the Hill events will utilize two boosters from the DC 75th Anniversary expansion.

Cost for this event will be $24 (12 Generic Tickets for each player).

Availability/Schedule: Thurs-Fri (9AM-Midnight), Sat (10AM-6PM)


HeroClix King of the Hill Finals:
THIS IS IT!  You’ve battled it out over the last three days to reach the top of the hill.  Do you have what it takes to really be the King of the Hill?  Compete for the grand prize of designing your own HeroClix element! (ATA, Feat, BFC)   This King of the HillCaptain America and DC 75th Anniversary
event will utilize one booster each from the expansions.

Cost for this event will be covered by Wizkids.

Availability/Schedule: Sunday 11AM

HeroClix Open Play Event:
Have a killer team you want to try out?  Do you and your friends need to kill some time before the next big HeroClix event?  Join us for some HeroClix Free Play in the WizKids Tournament Area and battle it out for supremacy!  Free Play will be contingent on availability of table space in the tournament area so check early and often!

Cost for this event will be $2 (1 Generic Ticket for each player).

Availability/Schedule: Thurs-Fri (9AM-Midnight), Sat (10AM-6PM), Sun (10AM-4PM)


HeroClix Giant-Size X-Men Super Booster Event:
Join us for this very special sealed event!  Bring up to 300 points of Modern Age figures and purchase 1 Giant Sixe X-Men super-booster.  Using the contents of your super-booster at its maximum point value and your selected figures, build the best 600 point force you can but you must use your colossal!  This event will be limited to 64 players so be sure to secure your place early.  Build the best team and tower over the competition!

Cost for this event will be $24 (12 Generic Tickets for each player).

Availability/Schedule: Thursday, 1 PM

HeroClix Golden Age Universe Specific Event:
Which super-universe is the strongest out there?  Build a 300 point Golden Age, universe-specific (all Marvel, DC, or Indy) team and lead it to victory!  Feats and BFCs are considered “universe-independent”.   All Standard HeroClix Tournament Rules apply.

Cost for this event will be $2 (1 Generic Ticket for each player).

Availability/Schedule: Friday 10AM

HeroClix Modern Age Keyword Event:
Build 6 separate 300 Point Modern Age theme teams, each utilizing only one of the following keywords: Animal, Gotham City, Robot, S.H.I.E.L.D., Sinestro Corps, and X-Men.  On the day of the event, bring all six teams.  At the event it will be revealed which keyword you will use for your team for each round of the event.

Cost for this event will be $2 (1 Generic Ticket for each player).

Availability/Schedule: Friday 2PM

HeroClix Modern Age Brave Team-Up Event:
Build the best 300 point Modern Age team but each force may only have two figures!  One must be from Marvel HeroClix and One from DC HeroClix!  Band your heroes together and lead them to glory!

Cost for this event will be $2 (1 Generic Ticket for each player).

Availability/Schedule: Friday 6PM

HeroClix Modern Age Call in the Cavalry Event:
Build a 600 point Modern Age force and get ready to rumble!  Each player will begin the game with only 300 points of their force on the map, but once 150 points of their team has been eliminated, the remaining 300 points begin play in that player’s starting area!  Will you need reinforcements, or can you break your opponent’s front lines?

Cost for this event will be $2 (1 Generic Ticket for each player).

Availability/Schedule: Saturday 10AM

HeroClix Modern Age Colossal Event:
Build the best 600 point Modern Age force and lead it to victory!  Each force must contain one Colossal figure.  Will your force tower above the rest, or will you shrink under the pressure?  All Standard HeroClix Tournament Rules apply.

Cost for this event will be $2 (1 Generic Ticket for each player).

Availability/Schedule: Saturday 11AM

HeroClix Golden Age Comic Theme Event:
Build the best 300 Point Golden Age force you can and fight for glory!  Your force must be comic accurate and you must bring a comic book to prove it!  Will your team rule the day, or will it fall into obscurity?

Cost for this event will be $2 (1 Generic Ticket for each player).

Availability/Schedule: Saturday 2PM

HeroClix Golden Age Event:
Anything goes in this 300 point Golden Age game.  Show the players in Worlds what you can do with Heroclix figures from across the Ages.  Build the best force you can and lead it to victory!  All Standard HeroClix Tournament Rules apply.

Cost for this event will be $2 (1 Generic Ticket for each player).

Availability/Schedule: Sunday 10AM

HeroClix World Championship “Grinder” Qualifying Event
: Want to play in Worlds and prove you’ve got what it takes to be the BEST?  “Grinders” aresealed qualifiers made up of 8 people.  Players can participate in as many sealed qualifiers as they want in order to try to earn one of the slots in the semi-finals.  Each sealed event will be run for 3 rounds and the winner will qualify for the semi-finals.  Thisevent will utilize one booster each from the Captain America and DC 75th Anniversary expansions.

Cost for this event will be $24 (12 Generic Tickets for each player).

Availability/Schedule: Thurs-Fri (9AM-Midnight)

HeroClix World Championship Semi-Finals Event:
You fought your way through the Grinders, now prepare for the next stage of the HeroClix Worlds Championship!  Build the best 300 Point Modern Age force and fight for your seat in the HeroClix World Championship Finals!

Cost for this event will be covered by Wizkids.

Availability/Schedule: Saturday 10AM

HeroClix World Championship Final Event:
THIS IS IT!  You’ve battled through two days of grueling competition and victory is in sight!  Build the best 300 point Modern Age force and fight it out with the rest of the Top 16 and see who emerges victorious as the 2011 HeroClix World Champion!

Cost for this event will be covered by Wizkids.

Availability/Schedule: Sunday 10AM

For questions on any of these events, please email:

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Your Comments:
Currently, convention exclusives can only be "won" in Gencon (and Origin) official tournaments. That being said, they *have* been running some HeroClix Online tournaments with these physical prizes. Supposedly these figures will be available in stores later this year, but there is a distinct possibility they will have different dials.

Posted by: The Le on 7/29/2011 6:37:14 AM
they lookk awesome does any one know how much they are going for?

Posted by: mario psnmario on 7/29/2011 6:22:30 AM
Does anyone know if these will be at comicon? ANd what these cost to buy?

Posted by: Nate Grey on 7/8/2011 11:28:41 AM
my favourotes are first famine the sculpt is good but i think it should have a better dial for 99 points and i thik it should have blades and wonder woman is just amazing

Posted by: calvin on 5/4/2011 8:32:36 AM
hey these convention clix are verry good especially wonder woman i cant wait to get my hands on one of them

Posted by: CALVIN on 5/2/2011 6:20:01 AM
Diana and Sofia best be at Comic-Con SD or there WILL Be HELL TO PAY!

Posted by: Logan on 4/29/2011 11:27:52 AM
I would watch too. I would love to do color commentary as well.

Posted by: Fife Dog on 4/25/2011 4:25:46 PM
I wish that they would show the HC World Champioships on TV with commentary and everything. My friends and I would all watch :)

Posted by: chrisgo316 on 4/25/2011 10:41:09 AM
I agree w/ other post-ers, the AV's of 9, 8, and even 7 are not very impressive, but the passive damage potential of this fig is awesome!

Plague: Poison dealing penetrating damage on the 1st 4 clicks, followed by normal Poison for the rest of his dial makes Pestilence a threat. Combine this with Infect, which deals non-penetrating damage to opposing figures adjacent to the figures which took Poison damage, and this fig has HUGE damage potential!

Damage caused by Plague/Poison at the beginning of your Turn can trigger Infect to cause damage at the end of your Turn. If Pestilence is adjacent to 3 opposing figs who are in a row, adajcent to each other, at the end of your Turn the figs on the end each take 1 additional damage, while the fig in the middle takes 2 damage!

All this without needing to worry about the low AV's!

Posted by: Hodak on 4/25/2011 5:21:01 AM
@bobby: X-Factor, Walter Simonson run, around issue #24 (Fall of the Mutants storyline)

Posted by: The Le on 4/24/2011 6:02:02 PM
What characters are those, or what xmen comics from, they don't look familiar?

Posted by: bobby on 4/24/2011 5:26:03 PM
For 99 points you cant get a poison, let alone point with a penetrating damage ratio.

As for the fact that this piece has move and attack and a star ability that increces the damage VALE FOR EACH OPPOSING PIECE when this piece hits an opposing piece with the poison ability....
Hell, that's worth it not to mention that this piece is a flier that can take quite some punishment.
Of course from clik dial 2 thur 4 is where this piece is worth its salt being a 6 click piece I'd say most cant complain should one obtain this piece.

Now keeping in mind that this piece can be outwitted, perplexed, mind controled, incpacited,& probability controled.
I would not recommend playing this piece heavyily considering its stats do down as it goes down in clikck life... on the plus side however for 99 points it's defense makes it a useful piece in a 300 point to 400 point game.

Lastly because this piece does not have the luxury of being a single rounded dial, possitioning is key to keeping this piece alive...

To say the least I would not mind having this piece to use in for a few games, but there are by far much more manageable strategic pieces out there. None the less this piece has good qualities for being 99 points...
That said I dub this piece a poisonus meat shield.

Posted by: Mr. Obsever... on 4/22/2011 6:17:10 PM
It looks alright. The dial isn't great and with the low attack numbers I dont think it will see much play. I will eventually get one, but its not going to be high on my want list. My other thought is why cant any convention piece be related to either the Thor or Green Lantern movie that comes out this summer.

Posted by: Nightwing-fan on 4/21/2011 4:52:57 AM
For 99 points this peice is extremely situational. yea, he has exploit weakness for half of his dial, and move and attack ability as well, but hes not indomitable and his only real asset is all of his clicks (not including his situational speed power, and his GREAT famine trait) i never did quite like incapacitate when you could do so damage with actual attacks, but thats my personal preference.

overall i am looking at his stats of good speed, attack that just keeps on dropping, semi consistent damage values, and good defense values. adding in his starve power which CAN be quite the nuisance, and his famine trait, this character is in my opinion overcosted, with or without the invulnerability.

Posted by: Sparkdemon on 4/21/2011 4:51:34 AM