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• Goto Comments

To the right are the awesome COG TAGS, from NECA. You can pick some up through Thinkgeek -- that's where I got mine!
Gears of War 3 is an excellent game with excellent weapons. Here's what we know from the Gears 3 BETA that is currently in session.
Retro Lancer: An early version of the lancer that sports a bayonette. A Gear can charge his or her enemy with it and for an instant kill.
Lancer Assault Rifle: By the time Gears of War 1 came out, this was the standard issue for all gears. It's a fully automatic weapon with a huge clip and a chainsawn at the end of it for quick and instant kills.
Hammerburst: Carried exclusively by the Locust Horde, this semi-automatic has a tiny clip, but fires 2 bullets at a time. Unlike the Lancer(s), the Hammerburst has a longer range due to it's ability to zoom. This is my go-to weapon when I'm playing Gears.
One Shot: A new weapon introduced to Gears 3. Basically a super sniper rifle that can penetrate even Boom Shields (the only item in the game that is impervious).
Double Edged Chainsaw: Carried only by Skorge, it's exactly as it is called.
Explosive Flail: Carried only by Maulers, this massive weapon stuns and/or kills opponents, even if it misses (due to the aftershock).
Gorgon Pistol: A fully automatic sub machine gun that fires two bullets at once. This is my go-to pistol when I am playing Gears.
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