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• Goto Comments
Also check out more Giant Size X-Men coverage in our TOYFAIR 2011 Section!
And check out the GsX Poster images!
Also see a preview of the BLOB!
Also see a preview of the GsX Maps!
Also see our Juggernaut Mystical Helmet Token!
Also see the additional Horseman of apocalypse, as convention exclusives!
Also see 3-Colossals Toys R Us Eclusives!
02-23-2011: What's this I see? A Mindless one? I do believe it's sporting Indomitable, and the Mystics TA. Oh yes... Oh yes...

02-14-2011: It's Valentine's Day, and Wizkids is showing us some love by previewing the SENTINEL MARK II!

Just a little note: INSTANT ADAPTATION is subject to the rule of three. Also, INSTANT ADAPTATION kicks in, even if the opposing attack misses!

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