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• Goto Comments
There are new OBJECT rules that was handed down by Wizkids (which takes effect in May when the Blackest Night set comes out). This should finally give you incentive to bring your own objects...
•Objects now have a point cost, which is added to your team exactly like characters
•When an object is removed from the game (for any reason), your opponent is awarded the object's victory points
•New rules for objects: Each player brings up to 3 objects. One must be a light object, one must be a heavy object, the third can be either. You can replace 0, 1, 2, or 3 of them with a Special Object as you want, as long as you follow the 1 light / 1 heavy rule.
•New placement rules: They're your objects, so only you get to place them on the map.
There are 7 Special Objects in the prize kit (2 copies of each). HeroClix World recommends using the new Object rules immediately in all your games (see above).
lue Lantern
Light Object, Continual (Point Value: 5)
Characters within 4 squares of this object that can use Barrier or Telekinesis modify their range value by +2 and can use Telekinesis for 10 squares instead of 8 (for all limitations of Telekinesis).
Indigo Lantern
Light Object, Continual (Point Value: 5)
Characters within 4 squares of this object that can use Support or Regeneration only subtract 1 from their die roll instead of 2 when using those powers.
Violet Lantern
Light Object, Continual (Point Value: 5)
Characters within 4 squares of this object that can use Mind Control modify their range value for that attack by +2 (figures w/ a range of 0 replace their range w/ 6 instead of 4 for that attack), and if that attack is successful, each character successfully hit modifies its damage value by +1 until its free action granted by Mind Control is resolved.
Red Lantern
Light Object, Continual (Point Value: 5)
Characters within 4 squares of this object that can use Battle Fury modify their damage values by +1.
Yellow Lantern
Light Object, Continual (Point Value: 5)
Characters within 4 squares of this object that can use Exploit Weakness or Penetrating/Psychic Blast modify their attack values by +1.
Green Lantern
Light Object, Continual (Point Value: 5)
Characters within 4 squares of this object that can use Indomitable or Willpower modify their defense values by +3 when they are the target of an attack using Incapacitate or Mind Control.
Black Lantern
Light Object, Continual. (Point Value: 0)
During your turn, whenever an opposing character within 4 squares of this object is KO'd you may heal 1 damage on a single friendly character within 4 squares of this object
(Note: Black Lanterns are not part of the Prize Kit. 3 Black Lanterns were sent to every store that pre-ordered Brave and the Bold, to be used as prizes for sealed tournaments. This is the only known way to get them normally.)
Orange Lantern
Light Object, Continual. (Point Value: 0)
When a character uses Poison within 4 squares of this object, that character is considered to be adjacent to opposing characters up to two squares away to which it has a clear line of fire.
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