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• Goto Comments
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•Watchmen HeroClix Spoilers
•Saturday Morning Watchmen
•Dr. Manhattan (Convention Ver. or Retail Ver.)
•Watchmen HeroClix Reviews (Days 1, 2, & 3)
•Watchmen Fast Forces Spoilers
Let's take a closer at the sculpts and paint jobs. Personally I think they're looking very good. There were no noticeable flaws or bad paint marks, and the faces look particularly good. Oddly, these images may not completely do it justice, and for that I apologize.

Below, the snow-attack Nite Owl is easily my favorite piece. It's actually got a very nice shiny/metallic paint job, which makes it glisten. I freakin' love it.

The double-based figures are my second favorite, all of which look very good. Oddly, the single-base Silk Spectre might be the weakest of the bunch, while the Silk Spectre and Doctor Manhattan double-based figure looks really good. Maybe it's the pose that bugs me. And again, Nite Owl looks awesome.

The poses are just great for all these figures. Again, I love the double-based figures.

I think most people are going to love the giant Dr. Manhattan. He looks excellent. Scultp-wise he's probably the best looking figure in the set, but my "favorite" is still the winter nite owl.

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