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• Goto Comments
Also See...
•Saturday Morning Watchmen
•Dr. Manhattan (Convention Ver. or Retail Ver.)
•Watchmen HeroClix Reviews (Days 1, 2, & 3)
•Watchmen Fast Forces Spoilers
5/27/2010 - This just in from Wizkids Facebook -- Dr Manhattan! For better or worse, he does indeed have pants...

See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor.
03/26/2010 - Some high quality pics just trickled in from the fine folk at Toy News International.

03/24/2010 - New info from GAMA!
Display quality packaging (not a throw away)
SRP $99.99
Like (Blackest Night) Starter - Huge response from non-HC fans.
Colossal Dr. Manhattan will be released for the summer conventions. Variant will be released to retail later this year. We are NO(T) DOING an anatomically correct version, despite rumors to the contrary (haha)
03/21/2010 - Alliance Distributors have released a new solicitation image for the Watchmen HeroClix set!

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