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The Official Press Release continues...
“This continues our long and valued relationship with Marvel Comics and begins a new business relationship with the Disney Corporation. We look forward to a successful collaboration,” states Mark Tuttle, the newly appointed Disney/Marvel Relations Liason at Wizkids.
OMG! Can this be? Yes, it's true! The Tuttle has returned! (HeroClix World recently scored an exclusive interview with Mark Tuttle, so expect to see that soon... right here on HeroClix World!)
Mark Tuttle continues, "We're also celebrating this new relationship by revamping our HeroClix buy-by-the-brick promotion. For the first time ever, we've produced an interactive brick figure, which is both playable and can be used as a night-light! "The Uncanny Pixar" figure was designed by the masterful artists at Disney themselves, and Wizkids is proud to add this figure to the HeroClix lineup!"
Note: Wizkids has confirmed that the "The Uncanny Pixar" figure will require 10 booster-tops to be sent in, along with the order form (that comes with each brick), and a $19.99 check or money to cover shipping and handling. No store receipt required!

Finally, we have a very special message, directly from Wizkids/NECA president Lax Chandra, exclusively for all HeroClixWorld viewers.
>>Continued on PAGE 3...
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