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• Goto Comments

We continue our look at the KC figures with RED ROBIN!
When this character would be hit by a ranged combat attack, if the attacker doesn't have [KC], you may roll a d6. On a result of 5-6, this character evades the attack. Uncopyable
Red Robin was probably the best of the original KC figures. It actually came out in the "second wave" with DC Legacy, and it was good. Those 3 clicks of Incapacitate with two ranged attacks (range 8) was good back then, and it's even better now that Incap deals damage! Double Energy Explosion attack is real nice too.
Continued Below

On the defense, he benefits from 2 clicks of Super Senses, and with the new KC TA he gets to roll twice against most ranged attacks!
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Coupled with Outwit (and a range of 8) and some Ranged Combat Expert, you've got an extremely mobile piece that's a great secondary attacker. Toss on some Armor Piercing, and you're good to go.
Old Rating: A-
New Rating: A
It's Talkback Tuesday! Lets us know what you think of Red Robin (or the new KC in general) for a chance to win a free HeroClix!
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