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Top 5 X-Men
Eric Schaen (08/20/2013)
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Goto Comments

HeroClix World Top 5 X-MenWelcome back to another Top 5 list courtesy of Heroclix World. This time we’ll be taking a look at those ever endearing mutants known as the X-Men.

In just this past year alone, there have been plenty of mutants who became X-Men. With such a massive roster of members, how does one determine the top 5 of the bunch?

To find a X-Man be worthy of the top 5 status, I had set criteria based on the following:

•Their character’s progression (Are they interesting? Have they grown as a character?)
•What their Mutant power brings to the table (Sorry Angel, lots of Mutants can fly.)
•How committed they are to their teammates and the dream Professor Xavier dared to make a reality.

This list is for X-Men, sans New Mutants, Exiles or other mutant teams. Professor Xavier himself won’t be part of this list either or he’d easily grab the number 1 spot. So with that being aid let’ the countdown commence.

HeroClix Top 5 X-Men Rogue#5 Rogue
Real name: Anna Marie
Powers: Absorption of memories, skills, and powers through skin-to-skin contact.

In some ways, Rogue may be the poster child for the Xavier institute. She’s been an X-Man for so long, it’s easy to forget she was once a mutant terrorist. Her time with the X-Men has taught her the value of her powers and how to live with them.

Over the years, she has proven to be valued teammate who can lead when necessary and go toe-to-toe with the likes of Juggernaut or Nimrod. Rogue is a perfect model of what the Xavier School for the gifted is capable of producing.  

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Your Comments:
Bishop isn't up here...WHY!?!

Posted by: Michael on 4/17/2016 6:01:17 PM
deadpool is the best x men character yes!!!! FAVORITE!!!!!!!

Posted by: decoder on 1/12/2014 11:58:30 AM
Your list looks like you just created the original team from the 1992 cartoon. Had you had a few more spots you would only need to add Gambit, Jean Gray, Jubilee and Professor X (oh… and don’t forget Morph). So even though there are several more mutants more powerful than some of the ones on your list, this group does seems to be the best 5 if you’re putting a team together. Would your top five have changed had you not been building a team?

Posted by: Ace on 1/8/2014 12:55:27 PM
5) Storm - More powerful than Cyclops, but far less strong as a leader, nonetheless she has proven herself and gets things done.

4) Colossus - Self sacrifice, determination, grit, and power. Colossus puts the mission before himself and has the power set to make his presence felt.

3) Magneto - While typically the opposite of an X-man, he has always fought for the same goals and embodies the same charisma and stop at nothing determination to protect mutantkind that makes Cyclops/Professor X such effective leaders. Now brings his unique perspective and incredible powerset to bear on their side.

2) Havok - Esentially the same justification as Cyclops, slightly more angst and less results, but close.

1) Cyclops - A professional soldier who manages to lead a bunch of whiny, disobedient super powered children. When wolverine wants to run off to canada, rogue and beast want to get rid of their powers, Jean Grey is having an emotional breakdown, etc. Cyclops manages to make it all work and get the job done, time and again.

Posted by: Joe on 12/12/2013 11:56:28 AM
I agree with Grim.
IGN posted a list of the top 25 X-Men. I think this list is better, but they got # 1 right.

Here's my list...
5. Kitty Pryde
4. Wolverine
3. Beast
2. Storm
1. Cyclops

I think the top 4 are pretty clear cut, but alot of X-Men could make a case for # 5, including Rouge, Jean Grey, Nightcrawler, Colossus and Iceman.

Posted by: Licensedhero on 8/23/2013 6:03:55 AM
for that matter what about Professor X himself or even Magneto

Posted by: Grim on 8/22/2013 7:40:12 PM
2 words... Jean Grey

Posted by: white phoenix of the crown on 8/22/2013 8:50:32 AM
@ Grim

After reading your comment, I have a feeling you didn't read the authors reasons. He stated how much Wolverine has evolved as a character, which was why he was selected as #1. Really had nothing to do with popularity or anti hero qualities from the sounds of it.


Posted by: BestThereis on 8/21/2013 6:21:44 AM
Seriously? Maggot doesn't make the list?!

Posted by: Deadpool2099 on 8/20/2013 10:31:57 PM
pretty much agree with this list with one exception, Wolverine should really be at #5 and everyone else bumped up one. reason? because he has always been more of a loose cannon than team player during the time I last read x-men comics and suspect his gaining the top spot has more to do with the popularity of the anti-hero over heros

Posted by: Grim on 8/20/2013 4:56:19 PM