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• Goto Comments
05-27-2014: At HeroClix world, we're constantly evolving to update features. Today we've made 2 major fixes and one minor addition...
• Those of you using INTERNET EXPLORER can now post comments. Previously an IE bug would cause your browser to freeze when posting comments -- this has been corrected
• Sending emails works again! Previously, in the CONTACT US section, attempting to send an email would cause a fail-message-loop. This happened when we switched hosting providers. This too has been fixed!
• Finally, we're pleased to present rotating Comment-Avatars! A third row of Avatars has been added, which will rotate in and out as the months pass!
These new avatars are a part of the upcoming Summer of HeroClix World celebration, so stay tuned!

06-30-2013 - COMMENT AVATARS
We're happy to introduce COMMENT AVATARS! Now when you post a comment, you can choose an Avatar to display with your comment! There's twenty to choose from, and as always, there's no registration required -- Comments are always free!
We've also spruced up the design a tad to make it more user-friendly.
05-15-2013 - AJAX COMMENTS
New COMMENT system has been added. Posting comments is faster and easier thanks to Asynchronous JavaScript and XML tech. Best of all, you'll find out right away if your comment was properly posted.
New comments will now appear in light blue immediately!
Give it a try below!
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