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The weather is funny. It's boiling outside but you can almost get around the entire convention, which is like five blocks from one side to the other, by staying indoors and using catwalks. There is always a swarm of taxi's waiting to take you where ever. We had a speaker cancel her event because she got the wrong room and ended up five whole blocks away from where she was supposed to be.
If you've just had too much, there is a movie theatre nearby and a mall with a decent food court. Or you can vegetate in one of the movie rooms or sneak into talks or seminars and just listen. There is always live chess or some other live character event. A LARP group comes in and does the basics of LARP and then foam weapon combat. I'm a big fan of the paint and take where you get free miniatures after painting them. The charity card pile is hilarious because by the end there are tens of thousands of cards making up crazy castles and walls and other structures and they knock it all down at the end.
The end is always a shame. There are always people just hanging on with red eyes to that last D&D game or card game or event, trying to ignore everyone taking down the tents and flags and banners. Everything is dying. It's over and it's time for the normal folk to come out and the nerds to hide again. They lock the dealer room doors and finally the massive set of information kiosks go down and you know it's actually, completely over. The crowds thin and even the heard of taxis vanish and finally, everything is just normal again. Until next year.
I wish I was going.
Mark Charke is a freelance writer and ownere of Charke Publishing. Additional information can be found at
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