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We've had a chance to play Starship Hero here at HeroClix World and it's definitely a very promising start for Justin's new Wizkids Interactive division. It's a very bold move for Wizkids, but video games is where the money's at, so we think it's a good decision.
That being said, Starship Hero is an interesting choice to for Justin's new team to start out with. While the game itself is pretty self explanatory, we've put together a list of treasure drops to make your life easier. This is based on just a few hours of playtesting, so it may not be complete.
Warning, these are some spoilers.
•Glowing Orb: Extra Devestator Bombs
•Blue Star: Faster Ship
•Red Star: Exta Life
•"P" box: extra shooting
•"C" box: lets you shoot backwards
•"T" box: unknown.
"S" box: unknown.
•Green Power: Reinforcements
•Coin: Money, obviously.
Remember, to win Galactus (or the other prizes), you need to get 1-million points and still be alive when the time runs out.
Hint: You definitely want to grab all the coins you can, since they give you a good bonus!
We're a little sad that we aren't eligible to win any prizes here at HeroClix World, but it's a small price to pay to become a Wizkid's partner.
Download and play Starship Hero!
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