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#3 Chamber
Number 3 on the list is from the Monsters and Mutations set, Chamber. I am having a difficult time finding anything good about this character. His powers are just too darn random to make me want to play him with any sort of strategy in mind. He also suffers from less than average combat values. Add to that he has no mobility with a 6 range, and a 16 defense. That’s below average nowadays so he can be very easy to hit. 45 points is fairly inexpensive but there are just too many better choices in the 40-45 range. On the plus side they gave him a pretty good sculpt, he looks good on my Heroclix shelf.

Editor's note: Please be advised that this article was written prior to 5/15, when Mutations and Monsters became Golden-Age-Only. Rather than delaying the article and asking the Author to revise, I made the call publish it as-is, so I take full responsibility for the inclusion of this character -- It's my website, so the buck stops with me. That being said, I support the author's list 100%. -The Le, owner HeroClix World
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