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• Goto Comments
Our friends at ICV2 have released new info on the Gears of War HeroClix, to be released on August 17th!
"The Gears of war HeroClix Figures are fully compatible with all other HeroClix figures, and are available in a 24-count, gravity-feed counter display."
Like the other Gravity Feed products, Gears of War HeroClix comes in a single 24-count display box. Each "booster" will feature just 1 figure for the price tag of $2.99. There will be 10 total figures in this set, which includes members of Delta Squad.
I got two words for you guys: HECK YEAH!
These 10 figures are:
Gears: Baird, Anya, Marcus Fenix, Dom, and the Cole Train himself!
Locust: Skorge, Kantus, Raam, Locust Drone, and a Mauler
Personally, I wouldn't be surprised if we see Cole Train in his Thrashball outfit as a chase figure. I can't wait to tell the Gears community about this!

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