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• Goto Comments

Daniel C: To me one of my favorite DC heroes of all time would be the Flash and so the duo piece i would like to see the most would be a duo figure which includes the Flash. Another one of my favorite characters in DC is Batman because of his Incapacitate, his will power ability, blades/claws/fangs, outwit, and leap/climb. After stating all that a very cool duo figure would be The Flash and Batman.
He'd have all Special Powers... on the Movement dial you would have a special white power where the Flash and Batman Duo could use hypersonic, and flurry or leapclimb. On the his Attack, give him B/C/F, incapacitate, and pulsewave. It would be devastating. Next his defense would have super senses, energy shield deflections, and will power, plus with The Flash's already high defense this fig can barely be touched due to his awesomness.
Lastly, his damage would have outwit, and maybe probality control. He would be a monster and since both are low point figs his total could be about a playable 165 points. Think about it, amazing.
Jason S: The DC Duo I would like to see is Nightwing and Huntress... or Batman (Dick) and Robin (Damian). I think this would be a nice Bat ally duo that is a little more "ruthless" than the Batman (Bruce) and Robin (Tim) we have now. Another I would like is "Henchmen". Make them a common duo with two hired goons. Give them the Batman Enemy TA maybe a Minion power for Batman Enemy figures with Leadership or Mastermind that give them something extra (+1 damage).
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